


Shiono Koryo is a flavoring and fragrance manufacturer founded in 1808 as Shionoya Kichibe Shoten, which was primarily a Japanese and Chinese medicine and pearl wholesaler. Our company shifted its focus to flavors and fragrances in 1908. In 1921, we had successfully developed our own essence as Japan’s first domestically produced essence. Since pioneering this innovative product line, our essence has not only become a popular brand loved by customers but also a mark of the trust placed in us.

Close coordination between our R&D, Marketing and Sales Teams drive forward product development that capitalizes on proven flavors and fragrances technologies, meticulous marketing to better anticipate consumer preferences and market trends as well as extensive knowledge about customer needs. We go beyond excellent flavors and fragrances to create safer and more reliable products. Our development process strives to realize functional flavors and fragrances, whether those with antioxidative or psychological benefits. These endeavors both address challenges faced by our customers and enhance product value.

Our company established local production and sales subsidiaries in Taiwan (Taiwan Shiono Koryo) , China (Shanghai Fangjing Koryo) and Thailand (Shiono Koryo Thailand) to actively support demand overseas.

Shiono Koryo also incorporated its synthetic chemical division as Shiono Finesse to act as a specialized outsourcing company developing and manufacturing input substances for pharmaceutical products in addition to launching Kitchibe Co. as a fragrances design company that resolves problems directly related to consumers, markets, and clients. In this way, we have continued to grow as a flavors and fragrances design conglomerate .

We have overcome many difficulties since our founding by advancing technologies and sharping our senses. As modern day brings another transformational period, we will continue to persevere in a new business climate.

The potential of flavors and fragrances is infinite.

Our hope is to enrich and invigorate the lives of all people through flavors and fragrances. We will design a business and well-being for everyone under our motto of sincerity through our everlasting pursuit of creativity in every sector.

Company President


1908年,当我们开始香料事业时,选择“扇印”作为我们的商标。塩野家的家徽为“翕头三松”,形似展开的扇面,因此公司创始人塩野吉兵卫将我们的生意比作“扇” 。扇子的日文别名为“末广”,也是日本的吉祥物之一。寓意我们的生意长久兴隆、茁壮成长。扇子上描绘的“常绿幼松”也包含着同样的祈望。





盐野香料 的员工将继续在各个领域接受创造性的挑战,让香料丰富人们的生活,更好地改变世界。我们将灵活应对市场环境的变化,对香料以外的世界发起提案,扩大解决问题的范围。我们的座右铭是从错误中吸取教训,并迅速将其转化为机会。自 1808 年成立以来,这一直是盐野的规范,并被用作产品和业务的标识。